random act of kindness thai video

Communication through Random Acts of Kindness

This made me shed a couple tears, tell me what you think about it. Has anything like this ever happened to you or someone you know? Have you ever helped someone out with a free bag of veggie soup or helping someone pay a bill, etc?

Random acts of kindness matter so much in people’s lives. Just pay for someone else’s Starbucks order or pay $10.00 for the pizza order for the guy in back of you in line. Let someone merge into traffic, even if you’re in a hurry. There are so many kind things one can do for their fellow humans.

Let’s do something nice within one hour of watching this video.

Peace to you…..

Posted in blog.


  1. What a sweet but sad story. Giving is a powerful gift that never gets old. There should be more people like this in the world.

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