These are not my girly hands. This is just a public domain stock photo that perfectly fit this topic. By the way, my hands are mighty and strong, so strong they can …. break a twig.
If you are at the point where you think a paid critique would benefit your writing, there are plenty of pros (published authors) who offer this service (I’ll give you a couple names if you want them). Their fees are generally $75 or more for a critique. This terrible economy may have some authors lowering the prices of their critiques, but costs could go the other way too.
If you are interested in a great critique from a non-professional (read: unpublished author) with eight years of critique experience and some near misses in the publishing world, please contact me. My prices are $39.00 for picture books under 1000 words (if you read the rules above, you know those picture books you’ve written better be under 1000 words.) I will provide you with a detailed critique with suggested deletions and additions. The more often I work with you as your craft improves, later critiques will come along with suggested names and addresses of editors who have expressed interest in your type of story.