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you eat with people, that’s when you learn about them, laugh with them and sometimes come to love them. You may find out about their struggles and in some way, come to serve those God has placed in your path.
God has put pizza and people in our lives for a reason. All of us need to serve others. It’s what is expected of us by God. Whether those we serve are family members or strangers we meet in our community, God has people for us to serve. The people we are to serve are hungry… for love, for friendship, for pizza and for hope.
Whether you are in ministry, church leadership or are someone who sits in the pews each week wishing you could serve others more effectively, Praying for Pizza can help you better understand your role in serving others and help you discover a myriad of ways in which you can serve. Praying for Pizza can also help you not make some of the mistakes that can arise when we serve others.
Praying for Pizza will entertain you, inspire you and might even make you hungry for pizza. If it does the latter, it’s highly recommended that you do not eat that pizza alone. Enter the life of someone else and bring that life pizza. And as the pages of Praying for Pizza can attest, you never know what might happen.