My name is Brian Humek. I love talking about God and about writing.
In this world where church has been deemed irrelevant and sidelined to the peripherery of our society, I want to offer a way to change that misconception from the unchurched population. I also want to encourage congregations who do not already offer occasional Saturday workshops, blood drives, clothing giveaways, etc. to strongly consider offering something of value to the community and its residents. The church building should be open other days in addition to Sunday.
Churches have a great message to share on Sunday mornings, but we need to give something to the people on other days of the week too. Over 80% of the people living in our communities do not attend church and never will. They won’t walk inside one of our buildings unless there is a funeral or a wedding. Let’s offer something relevant to their lives and pray like mad that their hearts will also one day be open to the ultimate message about salvation.
As I wrote in this blog post, more congregations each year are making sure their buildings are no longer empty most of the week. This is a great change, but there needs to be more congregations tackling this relevancy issue in their communities.
If your church is small to mid-sized and you need 30 to 50 people, maybe more, to enter your building some Saturday, consider meeting some needs of people with dreams. Everyone has a book inside their soul, and any mother has a children’s book inside of them, just dying to get out and into print or on a tablet or other reading device.
I have crafted a four session children’s writing workshop that can be offered to the people in your community. The sessions are 45 minutes each and include a 15 minute intermission between sessions. I will present these sessions and include two 20 minute Skype sessions with published children’s authors.
A workshop would begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday mornings and end around 2 p.m. depending on the length of a Q&A session.
At the moment, the only locations I will do this workshop are in towns where I can also speak on Sunday at a local church, this could be at your congregation or at another in the same area. Ideally, I would like to host the workshop at the same congregation I will speak at on Sunday morning for a Bible class and a sermon. I am also available for the Sunday PM service too. If my ideal situation occurs (writing workshop and preaching at the same church), I will ask workshop participants to visit on Sunday morning. If they like my talk on Saturday, I’m positive they’ll enjoy the sermon on Sunday.
Please contact me via my contact form to schedule a talk, learn more about the topics covered and get any other info you may need. The Sunday morning class and sermon would surround the Biblical themes in my book Purple Ducks: Reflections on Why in the World We Want to Belong.