This is a Stop Sign
It’s not too often I get furious; I mean the the type of furious that is accompanied by yelling. I’m also not a stickler for every single driving rule in the book. I’ve been known to go above the speed limit, but typically never do I go more than four or so miles above the limit. I believe the police aren’t going to stop anyone unless they’re traveling at least five or more miles above any posted speed limit.
While I don’t do it myself, I also never get very upset about people turning on right when the sign right in front of them says not to make that right turn until the light turns green.
I’ve been getting very furious about the lack of respect drivers have for stop signs in my neighborhood. One day I drove my wife to work, five miles to her job and five miles back. As I drove that route, I witnessed 21 different cars run stop signs. In that inventory of non-stops, I am not including those drivers who approach a stop sign, slow down, stop for a second and then keep going. That is not a legal complete stop, but I’m okay with that (however, I don’t do that myself). All twenty-one cars I saw slowed down at the stop signs but never stopped, not even for an instant. Some didn’t even slow down at all, driving through at the same speed they approached the sign.
When I saw this, once or twice, I actually looked at the driver of the other car and pointed to the stop sign. If the driver looked like he or she could beat the living daylights out of me, I let it go, but for those I looked tougher than, the one or two that day which fit that description, I absolutely pointed to them and at the stop sign they’d just ignored. Maybe they didn’t see it. No, I don’t believe that either, but this is crazy. How many of you ignore stop signs. I think if we’ve come to the point where we just ignore stop signs, what other little laws are we ignoring? What kind of example are we setting for our children when we ignore rules of the road so often?
Am I a crazy for wanting people to stop at stop signs?
Hit me with your best shot in the Facebook comments section below.