All proceeds from the print version go toward my ministry work in the DFW area and to pay for medical bills.
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Purple Ducks is all about belonging. Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong? I think most any normal human being has. But why in the world do we want to belong anyway? This book looks into that source for our belonging and tells some funny stories along the way. The one place everyone should feel like they belong is inside a church, but too often that doesn’t happen. See what I offer as a solution and how I’ve tried to tackle the problem of unwelcoming churches on my own.
From Amazon:
Author Brian Humek has woven together a little bit of theology and humor, mixed in an ounce or two of disatisfaction toward the church and topped it off with a big understanding on why in the world we each have an eternal need to belong. Whether that need to belong is in school, on the job or in a church, the need is there, and the reason why is quite logical.
Invite Me to Speak
I can visit your church and speak about the themes found in Purple Ducks. These talks can be done in one day or over the weekend for a lecture series or Gospel meeting. Possible topics for discussions could be 1) The theology of belonging. 2) Church exclusion and Solutions to That Problem 3) Church Planting and Evangelism. You can also choose your favorite chapter or two from Purple Ducks and I will create a Bible lesson and sermon for a special Sunday visit.
If your elders/ministry board, men’s retreat or local ministry alliance needs a speaker, please contact me at brianhumek [at] gmail [dot] com or in the comments below.