Thank You James, Janice, Jeremy, John, Scott and others….

Cat Thank you card


Our 2014 wasn’t a very great year. December didn’t buck our monthly downward trend. But about a week after I found out I had kidney disease, I saw a social media post from John Dobbs about buying Christmas presents for those in need who were part of the group. There was no guarantee the Amazon wish list I posted would be looked at by people who would provide a few gifts, but indeed, it was.

Our family was very blessed by God through his caring people. We received some life necessities that are much needed, I guess that’s why they call them necessities. We were very thankful for the toilet paper, soap, shaving cream, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razor blades and deodorant. You gift givers know who you are.

In addition to necessities, my wife was blessed with $25 worth of minutes for her phone and she received a very nice pair of winter gloves. My son received an awesome football and a first basemen’s glove. Baseball practice has begun and we think our son will get some playing time at first base. He also received a nice sweatshirt that keeps him warm at practice. He also received Nike socks he loves.

I was blessed with a Chicago Cubs hat. Maybe they’ll do better this year. I hope so. And I was blessed with some awesome Hershey chocolates. I’m sure those were all for me, right John?

We really wouldn’t have had much of a Christmas, at least not gift wise, without the help of everyone in the group.

This big


goes out to James Riley, Janice Garrison, Jeremy McKeel, John & Maggy Dobbs and Scott Elliot and others who either wished to remain anonymous or in the haste to open presents, my son lost their “from” notes. Okay, it was really my haste to open presents.

We did look back on the wish list and did see one gift did not arrive at our house. But this could be some filtering error on Amazon’s part, but if anyone sent a gift our way but didn’t see it listed above, please forgive me for not thanking you. It was an oversight on the part of the post office or UPS, not the Humek family.

Many blessings to you all in 2015. Remember, if you haven’t downloaded one of my ebooks for free, I’ll let you know the next time I make them available at no cost, it’s the least I can do for you. Maybe I should name a character after each of you in my next novel. That’d be fun wouldn’t it?



The MSNBC Leave it to Beaver Special with Jane Pauley

Here’s part two of the MSNBC Leave it to Beaver special with Jane Pauley.

While you’re watching and reminiscing about Leave it to Beaver, please share your favorite Leave it to Beaver memories or share your favorite Leave it to Beaver episodes in the comments below.



NBC Leave it to Beaver Special pt1

The MSNBC Leave it to Beaver Special with Jane Pauley (Pt. 1)

This is an NBC Leave it to Beaver special hosted by Jane Pauley a few years back. If you’re a true Leave it to Beaver fan, you’ll love this. Within this special are some clips of Bob Costas with Jerry Mathers. If anyone knows where I can find that entire interview from the TV show Later, please let me know.

I know you will enjoy the following special. I found it one evening at about 1 a.m. and stayed up and watched all six parts.

Here’s part one of the NBC Leave it to Beaver special.


Ebola Patient Flew Frontier Flight #1143 Day Before Diagnosis

Frontier-Airlines---AirbusWhat in the world is happening? Ebola has come to Texas and now it may be going all around America thanks to a lousy CDC protocol in regard to Ebola. It turns out that the second nurse infected with Ebola because she treated Kenneth Duncan, flew from Cleveland to Dallas on Frontier Airlines flight #1143. She had been self-monitoring and still traveling?

I hope that all 77 people being monitored in Dallas will now be banned from taking flights anywhere. Also, why in the world were the nurses treating the ebola patient also allowed to treat other patients at the same time?

We’re living in crazy times. Now with over 132 people on flight #1143 coming in close contact with an infected nurse, who knows where those 100 people in Dallas Ft-Worth are? Are any of them infected?

If you haven’t read The Stand by Stephen King, don’t worry about reading it now. It seems like we’re about to live it.

Best devotional book ever

Leave it to God – Devotionals Inspired by Leave it to Beaver

Leave it to God COVERTitle: Leave it to God
Pages: 176
Publisher: New Siberian Publishing
Availabilty: E-book Oct. 4, 2014 / print Oct. 16, 2014
Purchase Today on Amazon

Whether or not you love God, hate God or don’t even know if God exists…. there is something for you inside the pages of my latest book, Leave it to God. But this statement is only true if you are a fan of the late 1950s and early 1960s television show Leave it to Beaver, which is what I like to call, “The greatest classic TV Comedy of all time.”

This book contains a wealth of Leave it to Beaver information. In addition to devotionals, the book includes details on how the show began, a few “Beaver Tidbits” sections and a 40 + page actor encyclopedia for all season one actors. I spent many hours researching the show and watching numerous interviews to put together the non-devotional part of Leave it to God.

The research I’ve done has encouraged me to tackle an even larger Leave it to Beaver project in the near future. Whether or not I pursue that project depends on the sales of this book. If this book has even moderate success, I’ll begin the big Beaver project and my life will then be nothing but Leave it to Beaver for quite a while and I’ll be just fine with that.

Please tell others about Leave it to God. If you are a Christian, share this book with your Christian family and friends. Even if they’re simply familiar with the show but not an addict, they will read the book and find some encouragement for their Christian journey. And if you aren’t a Christian, simply share this with your friends and family who love Leave it to Beaver. There’s a lot of good stuff in the 40 plus pages of the actor encyclopedia. The information included would make great fodder for a fun Leave it to Beaver trivia night.

Here’s a couple scenes from one of my favorite episodes

What are some of your favorite Leave it to Beaver episodes?




A Writing Workshop for Your Church

brian bw GPlus pic and new TwitterMy name is Brian Humek. I love talking about God and about writing.

In this world where church has been deemed irrelevant and sidelined to the peripherery of our society, I want to offer a way to change that misconception from the unchurched population. I also want to encourage congregations who do not already offer occasional Saturday workshops, blood drives, clothing giveaways, etc. to strongly consider offering something of value to the community and its residents. The church building should be open other days in addition to Sunday.

Churches have a great message to share on Sunday mornings, but we need to give something to the people on other days of the week too. Over 80% of the people living in our communities do not attend church and never will. They won’t walk inside one of our buildings unless there is a funeral or a wedding. Let’s offer something relevant to their lives and pray like mad that their hearts will also one day be open to the ultimate message about salvation.

As I wrote in this blog post, more congregations each year are making sure their buildings are no longer empty most of the week. This is a great change, but there needs to be more congregations tackling this relevancy issue in their communities.

If your church is small to mid-sized and you need 30 to 50 people, maybe more, to enter your building some Saturday, consider meeting some needs of people with dreams. Everyone has a book inside their soul, and any mother has a children’s book inside of them, just dying to get out and into print or on a tablet or other reading device.

I have crafted a four session children’s writing workshop that can be offered to the people in your community. The sessions are 45 minutes each and include a 15 minute intermission between sessions. I will present these sessions and include two 20 minute Skype sessions with published children’s authors.

A workshop would begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday mornings and end around 2 p.m. depending on the length of a Q&A session.

At the moment, the only locations I will do this workshop are in towns where I can also speak on Sunday at a local church, this could be at your congregation or at another in the same area. Ideally, I would like to host the workshop at the same congregation I will speak at on Sunday morning for a Bible class and a sermon. I am also available for the Sunday PM service too. If my ideal situation occurs (writing workshop and preaching at the same church), I will ask workshop participants to visit on Sunday morning. If they like my talk on Saturday, I’m positive they’ll enjoy the sermon on Sunday.

Please contact me via my contact form to schedule a talk, learn more about the topics covered and get any other info you may need. The Sunday morning class and sermon would surround the Biblical themes in my book Purple Ducks: Reflections on Why in the World We Want to Belong.

1996 Honda Accord – Great for Man Who Loves to Tinker

I need to buy some food and fix the windows in a used car I just bought and the way to do that is to sell my previous daily driver. It’s a 1996 Honda Accord with 269,000 miles on it.

I can say this about the car. It’s ugly and it rolls. Also, it’s a great car for a man (or woman) who loves to tinker.

Major Problems:
Leaks lots and lots of oil
White smoke out tail pipe (because of some of the oil leaks)
Power Steering unit leaks

Good stuff
AC/Heat works
Runs well
Has one original floor mat.
Radio works
Have title on hand

Seriously, don’t even think twice about this car unless you can replace everything that needs fixed yourself. The cost of labor would kill you.

1996 Honda Accord 269,000


If interested in the car,send me a message through my contact page or email brianandmaryann at gmail dot com.

Cost: $750 or best offer.

Sharona Aplerin - Real Estate Agent in Los Angeles

1979 Memories – My Sharona by The Knack

My Sharona by The Knack

My Sharona Single by The KnackWhether you are young or old, you probably remember the song “My Sharona” by The Knack. What were you doing when you first heard My Sharona by the Knack? Where were you at? Was it recent or was it back in 1979? In the comments below, I definitely want to read about your memories of this great song.

I remember the day in June 1979 when My Sharona was released, June 10th to be exact. The Chicago Cubs lost 7-3 to the Los Angeles Dodgers, something which really wasn’t a big surprise. The Cubs always lost. I played catch by myself in Park Forest, IL. I threw a hard sponge rubber ball against our red brick townhome. I threw it up high between the bathroom window and my bedroom window if my desire was to catch a fly ball, pretending to be Cubs outfielders Dave Kingman or Jerry Martin. But typically I threw the ball, bought for about 49 cents at Goldblatt’s, against the slab of cement that was our porch. By doing so, balls would ricochet back toward me at dizzying angles and I’d dive to my left or right and live life for a few moments as the best shortstop ever, number 11, Ivan DeJesus. He was my Chicago Cubs hero.

Playing catch, either by myself or with my evil step-father was a constant in my life that summer, so were the times that same evil step-father would leave the house to go get stoned, smoking joints laced with PCP. That was always cause for a nice family meal upon his return home. Well, that was June 10, 1979 for me, a great song on WLS, throwing a sponge rubber ball at a wall and a step-father stoned out of his mind. I remember as if it were just yesterday.

Who was Sharona?

Sharona Aplerin - Real Estate Agent in Los AngelesSharona was a real person. She was and is Sharona Alperin. In 1978 while a senior at L.A.’s Fairfax High School, a mutual friend introduced her to lead singer Doug Fieger of The Knack and in what almost seemed like an instant, he was in love. She wasn’t. Not returning a love is a great way to inspire a songwriter and he was inspired instantly by this 17 year old beauty named Sharona. He went on a songwriting binge after their meeting and My Sharona was one of those songs. Sharona and Doug Fieger became a couple after he invited her out on tour, but eventually, they each married someone different. They remained friends over the years and in the last months of Doug Fieger’s life (he died in 2010), she visited him many times. Sharona Alperin went on from being immortalized in the most popular rock song of 1979 to a career in real estate. Instead of going on tour and hanging out with music stars, like she did with The Knack, Sharona now sells homes to the stars in Los Angeles for Sotheby’s International Realty. Check out her website which appropriately is

What is Summer of Sharona?

Summer of SharonaFor a long time I wanted to write a book. I never quite knew what the book would be about, except to say I wanted it to center around events which occurred during the summer of 1979. I set out to write a non-fiction book. But instead, what flowed from my fingertips was a story about a fifteen year old girl named Ashley who is at times during the summer, frightened about the future, devastated about the life events of her friends, traumatized by domestic abuse and wishing all along that there were some type of rule which would prevent patients in the nut house from marrying one another. Yep, that last one is a biggie and if only her mother had lived life by that rule, Ashley’s life may have been quite normal. Too bad parents have to mess things up sometimes, right?

This YA (young adult) novel speaks to the heart of anyone, from teen to adult who has had to face tough decisions or live through messy marriages and divorces of selfish or needy parents. And if you’ve found love over a summer when you weren’t exactly looking for it, you can live that moment again in the pages of Summer of Sharona. The trauma, the drama, the love, the music and the best friend all equal enjoyment for however long it takes you to turn to the last page. After that, your heart will be filled with good memories of the summer of 1979, even if you weren’t born until decade or two later.

Purchase Summer of Sharona at

My Sharona by The Knack – Live at the Rock n’ Roll Funhouse

I could not conclude this post without adding a video of My Sharona by The Knack for your viewing and listening pleasure. Enjoy and please don’t forget to leave your My Sharona or 1979 memories.


Summer of Sharona

Summer of Sharona

Summer of SharonaDue to antiquated copyright laws, I cannot include lyrics, not even two words of lyrics for any copyrighted song in my book Summer of Sharona.

However, song titles are not copyrighted and I could legally have one of my characters state how sick a certain song makes them. I could have them say they think the song is trash and that it grows on them like a fungus. I actually have a character in Summer of Sharona say that about one song that was popular in the summer of 1979. That is legal, but using song lyrics in any sort of flattering way is strictly prohibited.

Here is a playlist of songs referenced in Summer of Sharona. Some of these songs were formerly sung by various characters, but no longer.