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Welcome to the Brian Humek author and speaker website!
I’m glad you’ve arrived here at my sparse, but functional website. Through this website you can find links to my YA and non-fiction books (just click the pics a few inches below), get in touch through a contact form, and learn a bit about my background and my life in general. Oh yeah, if you’re a church or a minister looking for free bulletin articles, there’s a link for that too.
A little about me, Brian Humek
In fifth grade, I was taken out into the hallway at Sauk Trail elementary school in Park Forest, IL by a very blunt teacher and told, “This special music class is just not for you Brian.” Even with my protestations, “….but…but…but… all my friends are in there,” the teacher did not relent. Dreams of my being the next Daryl Hall, Prince or David Bowie were dashed and I quickly had to find another dream.
To read a detailed account of this dreadful day in my life, you must read my book PURPLE DUCKS. That’s a book about the human need to belong and this was one occasion (of many) where I absolutely knew without a doubt I did not belong. It was right then that I decided to become a writer. It wasn’t long until I penned my first masterpiece (at least in my mind) WILBUR THE BOUNCING BASKETBALL.
Nowhere to go but up

This is Sauk Trail Elementary School. It’s named something else today.
I also like to speak to groups interested in writing or spiritual things. For those spiritual things, I speak at churches on topics ranging from spiritual growth to evangelism in a post-modern world. If your church would like to have me speak on one of my favorite topics or on a Bible text of your choice, please send me a note.
I also talk to groups about writing children’s picture books and on how authors can self-publish their non-fiction and fiction titles. These talks can take place at schools, churches or libraries.
Many hats
Just to recap, my name is Brian Humek and I wear many different hats. I’m an author, speaker, minister, editor, photographer and pizza lover (I created, one of the most interesting pizza websites ever). While I one day hope to live in a very small town in Vermont, East Central Illinois, West Texas or Pennsylvania, I currently live in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area with my beautiful wife, talented son and very athletic cat.
Check out my books
Click the book covers on the slider below to get more information about them. For those interested in Leave it to God, the Leave it to Beaver devotional, all episodes of the show are now online for free. Contact me for details.